Archives department of

Irpin town council of

Kyiv regiond



The staff of 2 persons - Head of Department, Chief Specialist.

Zbrozhek Lyudmila


In archival department Irpen City Council works with 26.03.2015r., As head of 01.09.2015r.

Finished Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Pedagogical University branch Gorky, Faculty of Education, specialty primary school teacher. In 1996. graduated from Kyiv Pedagogical University. Dragomanova faculty psychology, practical psychologist. 1990-1992. worked as a primary school teacher in a secondary school. 1996-2001rr.- Methodist Irpin city department of education. 2001-2014rr.- chief specialist Irpin city executive directorate of the Social Insurance Fund on temporary disability. In archival department Irpen City Council works with 26.03.2015r., As head of 01.09.2015r.

The functions of the head of the department include management of the department, be responsible for the performance of department objectives as regards implementation of the state policy of archives; provides for the formation of the National Archive Fund in the area of ​​recruitment Archives Department of the City Council Irpen ;, approves the functional duties of department employees, issues within its competence orders, organizes and supervises their implementation, the department administers the funds within the approved budget cost of its maintenance

Samarin Elena V.


as the chief specialist of archival works from 13.03.2008 till the present time.

In 1987 Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry, Specialty - Machines and apparatus of light industry. In the field of archival works from 14.01.2008, the

Chief Specialist of the Department in accordance with the job description provides querying entities and individuals, conducts office within their duties, participates in the preparation of information retrieval thematic filing an archive department and implementation arrangements archive of the Executive Committee of the City Council Irpin (seminars, meetings, conferences, etc.), performance of the expert committee of archival institutions and supervise the examination of the documents in enterprises, institutions and organizations, provides for the formation of the National archival Fund in the area of acquisition of archival department, is the monthly work plans and reports on their implementation.

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