Archives department of

Irpin town council of

Kyiv regiond



List of Services:

     Querying businesses and individuals.
     Provision of documents for use in the reading room.
     Advised by phone and personal reception.
     Making copies (excerpts) archival documents.

The list of queries performed Archives:

Appeal individuals socio-legal nature relating to the provision of necessary information about:

- The election of deputies of the city council,

- Of learning in schools,

- The guardianship of minors,

- On live, work and travel in the Chernobyl zone, etc..

Queries socio-legal nature run free. Deadline requests - within 30 days from the day the request in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Public Appeals."


Characteristics of the main types of requests:

Feature requests businesses and individuals relating to the provision of necessary information about:

- The allocation of land,

- To permit the construction, completion,

- Documents of planning and architecture - Acts survey of households with graphic images, house projects, the projects of land, etc. (as attachments making councils and their executive committees)

- The provision of housing,

- The formulation of citizens on housing lists,

- The adoption of the constructed facility;

- The privatization of land and housing and so on.


Feature requests for payment. Fees for appeals of individuals and legal entities established pursuant Price list of works (services) performed archival department executive committee Irpin City Council, approved by the Executive Committee Irpin City Council № 198 of 06.09.2011 Deadline requests - for 2 -4 weeks from the date of registration of the request.

Information about the consultation provided:

Archives Department provides consulting, methodological and practical assistance with the activities related to ordering documents and files of organizations, institutions and enterprises that are fondostvoryuvachamy department, creating scientific references to archives, compiling nomenclatures, the provisions of archival units and expert commissions (list of jobs according to pricelist prices for works (services) performed archival department executive committee Irpin city Council, approved by the executive Committee Irpin city Council № 198 from 06.09.2011 g.)